Wednesday 22 February 2017


Hi, in this term we have to read a book, it name is '' A Convict's Tale'' and I am going to post the new vocabulary that I have learnt.

 This is the glossary from Chapter 1 to 6:
Sewer: pipes for waste (alcantarillado)
Pale: white face (pálido)
Loaf: piece of bread (hogaza de pan)
Maid: domestic servant (criada)
Butler: servant (mayordomo)
Court: place where legal decisions are made (tribunal)
Chain: links (cadenas)
Rings: when you don't sleep well under your ayer you have this (ojeras)
Knit: a way to sew (tejer)
Wool: sheep coat (lana)
Wood: tree fibre (madera)
Guilty: convicted of a crime (culpable)
Nappy: baby's nappy (pañal)
Laundry maid: a person who clean the clothes (lavandera)
Mud: dirt and water (barro)
Obstinate: stubborn (obstinado)
Housekeeper: servant (ama de llaves)
Dye: coloring material (tinte)
Starch: almidón
Tub: bucket where you can put water and clothes (cubo)
Tablecloths: table cover (mantel)
Washboard: board used for scrubbing laundry (tabla de lavar)
Mangle: to remove the water (escurridor)
Well: a place where you can take water underground (pozo)
Poured: tip into something (verter)
Dragged: pull something along the ground (arrastrar)
Insolent: imprudent (insolente)
Buns: cakes (bollo)
Icing: frosting on cake (glaseado)
Sight: eyesight (vista)
Grab: take hold of (agarrar)
Tray: flat receptacle for food, drinks (bandeja)
Trial: resolution of legal issue in court (juicio)
Hemp: rough fibre (cáñamo)
Beat: hit (golpear)
Logs: pieces of wood (trozos de madera)
Straw: stalk of cereal plant (paja)
Cheek: part of your face under your eyes (mejilla)
Deck: floor of ship (cubierta)
Drown: die in water (ahogarse)
Voyage: travel (viaje)
Starving: very hungry (hambriento)
Huts: shelter (refugio)
Miserable: feeling sad (triste)
Training: skill learned (experiencia,entrenamiento)
Surgeon: doctor that operates people (cirujano)
Bruises: mark on body (moratones)
Pardon: forgive (perdonar)
Fear: be afraid of (temer)
It was freezing cold: hacía un frío que pelaba.
Tears filled her eyes: sus ojos se llenaron de lágrimas.
Held your head high: mantener la cabeza alta.
Has found you guilty: declarado culpable.
From head to toe: de la cabeza a los pies.
Mouths watered: hacerse la boca agua.
Died from sickness: morir de enfermedad.
Gave her a black eye: poner un ojo morado
Couldn't belive her luck: no se podía creer su suerte
She didn't expect to receive reply for months: no esperaba tener respuesta durante muchos meses
Tore open the envelope: rasgar el sobre
I haven't hear from your mother: no he oido hablar sobre tu madre.
Gave pardons: conceder indultos.

1 comment:

    THANK U!!
